Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bon Jovi Keeps Rockin

Well. Well. Well. What can I say?! The Bon Jovi concert at the American Airlines Center in Dallas April 14th rocked :)

The last time I saw Jon and the guys at AAC we were on the other side of the stadium. It was for the last tour, the Have a Nice Day 2005-2006 tour. The only closeups of the band were by seeing them on the screens. The next time I wanted it to be different. I wanted to see em really close to get the experience.

When you see your favorite rock stars in videos and on TV, you don't think of them as actual people. But that night, I got to see Jon and the guys only a few feet from me. This time around I could pick which to look at the large screens or seeing the guys right there in front of us. And it dazzled me all night long!

One of my nephew's asked me, "Could you see the sweat on his face?" Just about! Three rows away from the stage on the left side, the side where Richie played his guitar. It was a great idea to get tickets through the fan club. I had no idea how close we'd be. And we didn't know til that night. Technically I could see Jon wiping the sweat from his face as he paused in between songs. But I could see the sweat on Richie's face and the fact that he changed his leather had three different times.

Likely they will tour again with a Greatest Hits show. I'm guessing in the next couple of years. Jon loves to keep the momentum of the public's interest going. That and he's a workaholic. But if you want to get a chance to see them up close, in say the first 20 rows probably at AAC, get into the fan club. I got a great deal on tickets by doing this. The membership is $50 a year. Go to and click on the Backstage JBJ link and sign up. It's worth it!

When tickets went on sale in November for this April show, they had two packages you could pick: Package A for a backstage tour with the crew before the show or Package B where you could get up on a side stage for a three songs. I was able to afford package B with a guarantee of being in the first 20 rows. I was actually in Row D. I wasn't expecting that. It was gravy to be able to go up on the side stage after that. My group was on the right side (I was sitting on the left) so I got to see a whole other part of the stage as well as the session guitar player and bass player, Hugh McDonald who replaced Alec John Such in 1994.

Jon came over to our side a few times but not much. It was then that he decided to hang out on the left side of the stage while I wasn't there! Argh! I got a few photos but not alot. It was really fun to see the response of the crowd from being up that high. Twenty thousand fans raising their arms, clapping, really responding to everything the band did. I can tell why now that fame thing can go to your head quick. Happily, Jon is always very gracious and hams it up for the cameras now and then, stopping to strike a pose, smile, and bounce on to the next song.

Jonelle (a friend from the Backstage JBJ site) went to the Kansas City show April 18th and sat in a super close section next to the stage (on the right side). She was cool with my adding this photo to my collection of concert pics. :D THANKS!!! Here's my photos of the concert. Go to

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